Zimbo - What is a Zimbo?

A Zimbo is a Zimbabwean in the diaspora who is either an economic or political refugee. For this cause it might be 4 out of 10 derogatory term to some Zimbabweans.

Zimbo is a name that has evolved to refer to a certain culture or way of doing things by millions of Zimbabweans in the diaspora mostly in South Africa, UK and the USA. This culture includes but is not limited to devising ways to survive in extremely difficult economic and political environments. It also includes Zimbabwean lifestyle, fashion, music and dance.

Many Zimbabweans in the diaspora have started successful businesses making them savvy entreprenuers in foreign lands. This also has earned them this name associated with craftness and risky inventions.

In a nutshell ZIMBO is a congregating name for all Zimbabweans in the diaspora even though it has also been further extended to Zimbabweans in Zimbabwe.

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